Guiding Principles

  1. Recognize the untold historical legacy of minority and women heroes in STEM fields.
  2. Recognize that STEM in the real world - a trans-disciplinary tapestry that includes not just science, technology, engineering and math, but also the humanities and history.
  3. Recognize that inspiring the current generation to pursue STEM fields is of national importance, and that education in STEM needs to reflect the real world.

The Initiative – Greatest Stories Never Told (GSNT)

Greatest Stories Never Told is dedicated to inspiring the next generation through real life stories of minority and women heroes that made a lasting impact in STEM fields.  The achievements for each of these heroes required them to work within the context of their times, which provides a powerful historical context. Each also personifies how STEM is actually done in the real world, where there are no disciplinary boundaries, and the skills needed go far beyond just science, technology, engineering and math. The focus of this initiative is elementary and middle school students in minority and underserved communities, because these are the grade levels where a comfortability with STEM disciplines must be established, and minority heroes have the capacity to inspire the next generation of scientists and engineers.